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Globalization hailed the unity of nations. It paved the way for MNCs (be it Western or Eastern) to expand their businesses globally multiplying their customer base and market exposure. Individuals around the world got access to American products, technologies, services and media, European luxury goods, Japanese and German cars, Japanese technology  and so forth. MNC’s...


Nature with its mystical and cosmic powers is certainly capable to mend imbalances be it in the form of ecological (natural disasters; climate change), geographical (population, pandemics), economic (boom and bust, market re-corrections ) or evidentially plays a critical role in our personal life developments (facing crossroads) Today late Gen Ys and early Gen Zs...


Recall those days and the hype around the of consumption of plastics bottles v/s the papers cups at schools, colleges, offices, cinemas and so on! Environmental enthusiasts permeated the notion of eradicating the use of paper cups every time you wished to quench your thirst. Refilling your plastic or glass bottles were preferable alternatives. At...

Foodology—Foodovation— Foodotech- secret trails

Food is an ideology, food has undergone implausible innovations and its production or creation involves a bountiful technicality in terms of science (eg: bio tech) and technology!!!! Apparently, the fruits and vegetables consumed by individuals isn’t actually ‘natural’- found in nature’ but a byproduct of mutations over centuries (Farrimond, Science Focus, 2019). Interesting facts not...

Reinvention, Regeneration, Reiteration= Survival of the Fittest!

Reinvention+ Regeneration+ Reiteration = Survival of the Fittest is a statement that is absolutely relevant in the present-day digital age. The old belief system of aspiring professionals was to complete their higher studies with a postgraduate degree or PhD’s or beyond in their respective fields. Once they attained their degree’s they were self-assured of a permanent job and a...

Ascending Earth 2.0?

According to space studies, there areprobably billions of earths and hundred billionof galaxies omnipresent in the universe. However persistent questions arise with regards to what constitutes the entire universe? Despite that space excursions are no longer restricted to astronauts,as space tourism is expected to become the new hot travel destination(though at a whooping exorbitant cost)! A fantasy and mystery brought to life bythe greater vision of the founders of Virgin Galactic, SpaceX, Blue Origin and the endless laudablehard work dedicated...

Clash Of The Titans: Media V/S Gaming

Gaming has come to the forefront as a strong contender to media entertainment.The ongoing pandemic can be considered pivotal in the victory of gaming as non-gamersgot accustomed to gaming. Whilst OTT was the winning factor for the entertainment industry as multiplexes remained abandoned, gaming enchanted bountiful individuals. Binge watching led individuals to explore new avenues of entertainment, EUREKA! Gaming no longer remains sacred to the professional gamers, as non-gamers too have joined the bandwagon. Statics reveal the...